Testimonials from Faximum Customers

"I wanted to let you know I think Faximum is a super product which is easy and fun to use. In fact, it's the best office efficiency product I've run across in years."
- Jay Sanders, Zorfas & Sanders, CPAs
"Thank you for your marvellous product. It has saved this company much time. The Faximum product is exceptional. It is created with both the programmer and end user in mind. As a programmer, it is refreshing to find a product that is both.

We were able to put it into a working environment in less than 24 hours. Our users immediately started using it. Our primary application had Faximum integrated into most areas and creating automated faxes in less than two days from installation."

- Cheryl Gross, Red River Parts & Equipment Co.
"Between November and July 1993 with one CPU and ten lines we sent over 1.2 million faxes! We have now sent over 6 million faxes! Our subscription fax business would not be possible without Faximum. In fact, we're planning to expand throughout North America."
- Rick Rolston, CONFAX (a construction bid newswire)
"We rolled out the EScan Series 6000 [automatic forms processor] at the 1992 Remittance & Document Processing Forum and Exposition. The rollout illustrated a throughput of 100,000 faxes being processed per day using FAXIMUM PLUS as the fax server. We were the hit of the show!
- Mark Mackaman, EScan (developer of image processing systems
"Faximum has been extremely responsive to all our support questions."
- Tom Podnar, Microlite (software developer)
"What a wonderful product! And so completely in the Unix spirit that I could not be more delighted."
- Beardsley Ruml, Legal Support Systems, Inc.
"SCO Canada uses Faximum to automate its distribution of sales and marketing literature to our customers. Our staff can now handle more calls with better efficiency and throughput."
- Jim Sullivan, SCO Canada
"The software itself is a joy to use, and has definitely improved productivity in the office. We no longer see our staff trekking down the hall to the fax machine, standing over it feeding documents into the hopper, or whiling away the hours waiting for a redial. Being able to fax a WordPerfect document from within WP by using a simple macro is a real boon as well."
- Peter Rogers, Wilson King (a law firm)
"Faximum makes it very easy for system integrators to add fax capabilities to existing applications."
- Sandra Burgess, GTE Gov't Systems